






2023-11-30/ 安国新媒体/ 查看: 214/ 评论: 10

The children are hopping to play on the ground.孩子们在地上单腿跳来跳去的玩耍。[on the ground在地上]

group[gruːp] n.○1集体;团体 ;○2组
a group of  一群/组…‖a newspaper grou报业集团‖in a group成群结队地

grow[grəʊ] (grew, grown) v. ○1增加;○2成长; ○3种植   
I want to be a doctor when I grow up.我长大后想当医生。[grow up成年,长成]
grow old变老‖grow together一起成长,共同成长;‖ grow from由…长大,由…发展起来‖
grow out出,发芽; grow out of产生于‖grow rice种水稻‖grow vegetables种蔬菜‖grow flowers

guess[ges] v. 猜测;估计‖n.猜测,推测
guess at猜测;估计‖by guess凭猜测,推测‖make a guess猜测,猜想
Can you guess her age/ guess how old she is? 你能猜出她的年龄吗?

guest[gest] n. [C]客人;宾客 
He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the theatre.他邀请她晚上去看戏。

guilty['gɪltɪ]adj. 内疚的;有罪的;犯罪的
I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely. 我因极少看望她而感到内疚。[feel guilty about感到愧疚]

guitar[gɪ'tɑː] n.[C]吉他 
He likes playing the guitar. 他喜欢弹吉他。

Basketball is still a young game. It is not yet a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having trouble with its boy students. The weather was so terrible that the students had to stay indoors(在室内).Since they could not enjoy their sports outside as usual they were unhappy, and some of them even got into fights from time to time.
 Finally,one of the teachers at the college, J.E. Naismith, was asked to invent a new game for the students. It was not an easy job because such a game had to be played indoors, and the court(场地)was not over large. 
Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast,exciting game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score, the ball had to be thrown into a basket ten feet high above the floor on the walls. At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first Naismith had planned to have the ball thrown into a box. As he would not find boxes of right size,then he had to use fruit baskets instead.
That is how the game got its name.
1. How old is the basketball game? 
A. 1891.    B. A hundred years old.
C. More than a hundred years old.
D. We don't know. 
2. Why must the students stay indoors in the winter of 1891? 
A. Because they could not enjoy their sports outside.
B. Because they were unhappy.
C. Because they wanted to play basketball.
D. Because the weather was so bad. 
3. Who invented basketball? 
A. J.E. Naismith.   B. A teacher in America.
C. A man.   D. A, B, C are all right. 
4. How came the name of basketball? 
A. Naismith named it.
B. The students named it.
C. The ball had to be thrown into a basket on the wall.
D. We don't know. 
5. What's the meaning of the underlined word "court" in third paragraph(第三段)? 
A. 法院 B. 球场C. 教室D. 院子





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